Ansible Playbook to Check Disk Space for Windows & Linux Part -III

2 min readMar 16, 2023


Here’s an updated Ansible playbook that checks the disk space on Linux CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows in a detailed manner and writes the output to a CSV file:

- name: Check disk space and write to CSV
hosts: all
become: true

- name: Check disk space on Linux
- name: Check if the system is CentOS
is_centos: "{{ ansible_distribution | lower == 'centos' }}"
ignore_errors: true
- name: Check if the system is Ubuntu
is_ubuntu: "{{ ansible_distribution | lower == 'ubuntu' }}"
ignore_errors: true
- name: Check disk space on CentOS
command: df -hT
when: is_centos | bool
register: centos_disk_space
- name: Check disk space on Ubuntu
command: df -hT
when: is_ubuntu | bool
register: ubuntu_disk_space
- name: Print disk space on CentOS
msg: "{{ centos_disk_space.stdout_lines }}"
when: is_centos | bool
- name: Print disk space on Ubuntu
msg: "{{ ubuntu_disk_space.stdout_lines }}"
when: is_ubuntu | bool
- name: Write disk space to CSV file on CentOS
when: is_centos | bool
module: csv_writer
path: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-disk-space.csv"
headers: ['Filesystem', 'Type', 'Size', 'Used', 'Available', 'Use%', 'Mounted on']
content: "{{ centos_disk_space.stdout_lines[1:] }}"
- name: Write disk space to CSV file on Ubuntu
when: is_ubuntu | bool
module: csv_writer
path: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-disk-space.csv"
headers: ['Filesystem', 'Type', 'Size', 'Used', 'Available', 'Use%', 'Mounted on']
content: "{{ ubuntu_disk_space.stdout_lines[1:] }}"
when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' or ansible_os_family == 'Debian'"

- name: Check disk space on Windows
- name: Check disk space on Windows
win_shell: Get-Volume | Select-Object -Property DriveLetter, FileSystemLabel, FileSystem, SizeRemaining, Size | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
register: windows_disk_space
- name: Print disk space on Windows
msg: "{{ windows_disk_space.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Write disk space to CSV file on Windows
module: copy
content: "{{ windows_disk_space.stdout }}"
dest: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-disk-space.csv"
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'

Here’s what’s changed in this playbook:

  • We added two new tasks to write the disk space information to a CSV file using the csv_writer module (for Linux) and copy module (for Windows).
  • We added a headers option to specify the headers for the CSV file.
  • We removed the ignore_errors option from the set_fact tasks since we want them to fail if the distribution is not CentOS or Ubuntu.

Note that the CSV file will be created in the same directory where you run the Ansible playbook from. You can modify the path option to specify a different directory if needed.

